Friday, January 31, 2020

Wrong reason Essay Example for Free

Wrong reason Essay It is sad that some marriages begin for what may be labeled a wrong reason. Some marriages were entered expressly for physical reasons. Perhaps the participants were infatuated with the others looks. Sexual gratification has no doubt given birth to many wed locks. Physical appearances change as age sets in and these marriages land in the divorce courts. Infidelity often crops up in these marriages but as said in Hebrews 13:4, Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. Being unfaithfulness in a marriage relationship is a sure way to bring about troubles and divorce. Gods design for the home is one man and one wife. There is no place for a second wife, a second husband, a concubine, a mistress, etc. The intimacy and fidelity which a marriage is to have can melt away when either partner turns to someone else for love and companionship. If the two have become one flesh, then there is no place for a third in the mix. Another challenge which arises occasionally is in-laws who desire to interfere in a marriage. There is nothing wrong with advice, helpful suggestions, and offers to give a hand, but when extended family become involved in a marriage more than they ought, it is time to establish appropriate boundaries immediately. Whether from the husbands or the wifes side, the in-laws must be made aware of their proper connection to the relationship. They are encouragers of, not participants in the marriage. Many youngsters marry in order to spite their parents. A good reason to get into wedlock is because parents did not like him/her. These marriages are made with the intention of harming another; the result will be doubtless harm to oneself. Also money is one of the primary things which lead couples to knock on the divorce doors. If money is the foundation of a marriage it can never bring in any warmth. Then there are different isolated issues which may break marriages. One woman was impressed by a fellow who gave a large amount of his time and money to charity. After she married him, it was her money and time that could have been spent with her that went to charity. She was not at all impressed with his generosity now. In different cultures, values are so wide spread and commonly held that they are taken for granted. Cross cultural marriages require special investigation because the people never think that other cultures have different ways of doing things. A woman from an upper class South America background married a US fellow who was studying to become a professor. She did not realize that US professors are not well paid. She ended up living in what to her was degrading poverty. He did not realize that upper class women from her country did not do housework. It was the duty of the husband to hire the help or do the work himself. He ended up doing it himself. Then what happens to the issues of these broken marriages? Broken families are one of lifes greatest tragedies. Divorce hurts! Children are robbed of the special experience and protection called Family. They move on in their lives without the understanding of what familial security and bond is. There is anger and bitterness in them and a feeling of guilt for parents use them as the target of their fights. A feeling of shame and inferiority creeps in and they hold a very low esteem of themselves. They often feel rejected. The feeling that one has been abandoned by the two closest people in the world often leaves scars that are difficult to heal. A loss of family identity often makes one feel inadequate or incomplete. Research shows that people who come from broken families are twice as much at risk in having failed marriages. Many of us do not realize how much we actually pick up from our own upbringing. Thus children of broken marriages suffer in deep emotional pain, ill health, depression, anxiety, even shortened life span. They tend to drop out of school, very few attend college, they earn less income, they develop more addictions to drugs and alcohol, and they engage in increased violence. Trusting each other is a very important ingredient of a marriage. Many people get into marriage, thinking that love is all they need. Most of us are not told that marriage requires work. Marriage is hard work. There are, of course, happy times but there will also be trying and painful times. In marriage, a woman and a man trust their souls to each other and with love and commitment and each improves the other. â€Å"It is like lifting a heavy load,† say Linda McConahey. â€Å"It is much easier if you join hands and help each other. In 1 Corinthians 7: 3-4, Paul writes, Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Just as we are obliged to do good in the service of our Lord, we are bound to also do good for our spouse. In our relationship to the Lord, we belong to Him; in the marriage relationship, the husband and wife belong to one another. Sources: Why Marriages Fail by Kerby Anderson, www. probe. org Why Many Marriages Fail James Long,

Thursday, January 23, 2020

History of the Theater Industry :: essays research papers

The theater industry has been around since the beginning of time, when "one or more human beings, isolated in time and/or space, presented themselves to another or others." And when people started to realize that they could make a profit from doing this, they decided that, that was the best thing to do. The earliest recorded plays that still survive to this day are those of Ancient Greece. Between c. 550 and c. 220 BC, in Athens, the theater industry began to grow into an entertainment business that people would pay to see its happenings. It was more than just amusement for friends and family. It had become and art, and sometimes a competition to win a wreath and respect. Amphitheaters were being made just for performance venues, and they were usually always full for every show. Because of the shape of the amphitheaters the acoustics were far better and even people in the 100th row could hear what was happening on the stage. People loved the idea of being able to watch actors act out a story right in front of them. The Greek way of theater influenced the Romans, and of course like they had been doing all through history, they stole the idea of theater and made it their own. They made it less religious and because the audiences were usually rude and loud during performances, they made up a code by wearing certain outfits to show who they were in the story. When the fall of the Roman Empire happened, the idea of true theater sort of got lost among the rubble. Most plays didn?t survive, and smaller professions such jesters and mimes, began to take the scene, by providing entertainment solely to royalty. Then religious plays began to come back. This was the beginning of the era of Medieval European Theater. Only men were allowed to act on stage. Even girl parts were played by men. Some boys were castrated to prevent their voices from becoming lower just to make sure that they could play a female role. It seemed like it would?ve been easier to just have woman in shows, but women still didn?t have a lot of rights, and many people thought that it was unladylike to act and have a woman in a man?s occupation. Finally, in the late 1500?s, a man named Shakespeare came into popularity with his famous plays, the very plays that are still being performed to this very day.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Theology essay

Lewis once said, â€Å"l believe In Charlatanry as I believe that the sun has risen not only because I see It, but because by It I see everything else. † I think this Is an extremely insightful quote to live by, especially if you are of the Catholic or Christian faith. I think what Lewis is trying to say is that we all know the sun exists because we see it rise every day, but because of the sun it is possible to see everything else on Earth. This relates back to Christianity because for Lewis he is saying that he can look t life in a different way than some people because he has the faith of God inside him.For example, I know someone who is completely immersed in their Catholic faith and to me they honestly seem to enjoy life every single day. Sure they have some bad days when some things don't go right, but even then they say that God has a reason for what has happened. When I think back to my friend and how they feel about life, and then compare that to my own faith and feel ings, there Is a complete difference. I am not proud to say this but I will: I have lost my faith throughout the years and moieties life Is Just a bleak thing I have to go through some days.After reading this quote I seriously considered how my life would be different if I had full faith in the Lord, and I think it would be more optimistic than how I feel now. There is a show on television called â€Å"19 kids and counting† and they are a very religious family who puts the Lord before anything else. One day while watching the show the older children were talking about a topic and then they proceeded to say how if you can't be happy even with God, how can you be happy without him? This is another statement I believe makes sense and goes along with Lewis' quote.For many, God is the one who lights the path for them to walk, and I really do believe being religious makes a person happier. Some may say that it Is the congregation of people and friends that gather In a church and sh are the same beliefs, but I think It Is the knowing and believing In a higher power always being there and never leaving your side that makes one happier than someone who does not believe in God. Christianity affects one's worldview significantly. A worldview is the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. [It's] any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement or religion that provides an overarching approach to understanding God, the world and man's relations to God and the world,† says David Nobel, author of Understanding the Times. For example, a 2-year-old is egocentric and believes they're the center of his or her own world, a secular humanist believes that the material world is all that exists, and a Buddhist believes he can be liberated from suffering by self-purification. Someone with a biblical worldview believes their primary reason for existence Is to love and serve God.Whether they know It or not, every person has some type of worldvi ew. A personal worldview Is a combination of all you believe to be true, and what you believe becomes the driving force behind every emotion, decision and action. Therefore, it affects your response to every area of life: from everything. A biblical worldview is based on the Word of God. When you believe the Bible is entirely true, then you allow it to be the foundation of everything you say and o. There is a problem though: nonpolitical worldview ideas bombard us constantly from television, film, music, newspapers, magazines, and books.For example, most Christians would agree with 1 Thessalonians 4:3 and other Scriptures that command us to avoid sexual impurity, but how often do Christians fall into lust or premarital sexual sin? If we don't really believe the truth of God and live it, then our witness will be confusing and misleading. Most of us go through life not recognizing that our personal worldviews have been deeply affected by the world. Through the media and other influenc es, the secularists American view of history, law, politics, science, God and man affects our thinking more than we realize.We then are taken â€Å"captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ† (Colombians 2:8). However, by learning, applying and trusting God's truths in all area of our lives -? whether it's watching a movie, going to school, raising a family or working at the office -? we can egging to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the evil of our culture's nonpolitical ideas (Wordsmith. Mom). If we embrace more of God's worldview and trust it with unquestioning faith, then we begin to make the right decisions and form the appropriate responses to questions on abortion, same-sex marriage, cloning, stem-cell research and even media choices. Because, in the end, it is our decisions and actions that reveal what we really believe. â€Å"Do not conform a ny longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Professionalism Forms The Foundation Of All...

Professionalism forms the foundation of all the responsibilities of a nurse. Professional development and implementing a career plan in nursing can result in higher retention, higher skill levels, and increased patient satisfaction. This paper will reflect on my personal strengths and weaknesses, relationships with others, and incorporate them into a professional development plan for growth. During professional development it’s important that I am able to determine what my strengths and weaknesses are to allow me to grow as a person. Some of my professional strengths include: strong leadership skills, self-motivated, hardworking, confident and built to succeed. As a nurse it’s important for me to think critically and always be ready for a challenge. In addition, due to the healthcare setting being a fast paced environment, it’s important that I have a high agility to learn. It has been proven through the years, when using evidenced-based practice, patient care has improved and this involves going away from old traditions (Potter, Perry, Stockert, and Hall, 2013). This is why being adaptable is an important quality in professionalism. Individuals who can’t change with the times often can’t grow and become stagnant. My most important strength is understanding that weaknesses are not bad, but can help me grow. For example, my biggest weakn ess is trying to maintain perfection. If perfection is not achieved, it may lead me to feel defeated. Other weaknesses that I have inShow MoreRelatedProfessionalism, Competency, And Conduct1011 Words   |  5 PagesFollowing the rules or ethical standard of the profession is what we call professionalism (Brennan Monson, 2014). It is an important aspect of a person’s work in a way that it demonstrates someone’s character, excellence, competency, and conduct. 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